
Connect To Server

Connect to your VPS SSH interface using credentials provided by your hosting provider. Upon entering your server credential into your SSH client you can start installation of Backend side.


Deployment of server side is based on Docker. Using Docker helps with easier installation, less chance of OS configuration affecting application, easier updates to newer version and many other benefits that Continues Deployment offers.

Some hosting provide VPS with Docker preinstalled. For example DigitalOcean Droplets. Install Docker step can be skipped if you get your hosting with docker preinstalled.

Install Docker

In order to install Docker & Docker Compose you can rely on documentation Docker provides based on your server's OS & Distro:

And After Docker Engine being installed, Install the Docker Compose:

Run backend

In order to download and run the backend, run following command:

wget -qO- > docker-compose.yaml && docker-compose up -d

After a few seconds docker starts up all services required and you should be able to access dashboard from your IP Address and port 4003.


The dashboard address would be your server address with port 8080 by default. (eg. http://x.x.x.x:4003/)

In case server doesn't responds to port 4003 (Can't be opened in browser), The reason could be server's firewall. To fix this refer to FAQ.

In browser after logging in with User Name: admin & Password: admin you will presented with a wizard which you will need to fill with required keys to run the App.


Purchase Code

You will need to put your purchase code for validation. This was delivered to the email address associated with Codecanyon after the purchase was made.

Google Maps API Key

This API key is to be retrieved from Google Developers console. For the server API Key Distance Matrix API API is required and for dashboard key Google Maps Javascript SDK is required.

Make sure billing account is enabled on your Maps Console. This is very important for app to function correctly.

Firebase Admin SDK

On the firebase project go to the Project Settings and under Service Accounts use Generate Private Key button to retrieve the private key. Upload this json file on the upload panel presented to you.

With Firebase project private key being uploaded go back to your server's terminal and enter below command:

docker restart $(docker ps -q)

Now you can open the admin panel address in the browser and instead of configuration, login page will appear. You can login with default admin/admin username & password.

Last updated